To update how you pay for subscriptions on your Microsoft Account:
- Sign into
- Select 'Services and Subscriptions' in the top menu.
- Locate your subscriptions and select 'Manage.'
- Select 'Change how you pay'.
- Choose a card or 'Add a new way to pay'.
If you need to remove a card, add a new payment, or update an existing card on your Microsoft account.
- Sign into
- Select 'Payment and billing' > 'Payment options' in the top menu
- Here you will be able to remove any card, add a new payment, or update an existing card.
For more information about updating your email address connected with your Microsoft Account, refer to this article: I need to update my account email address.
If you're unable to sign-in because of missing password or user name information, refer to this article for steps on how to recover your account: I don't remember my password or user name.